Children's Fiction & Non-Fiction

Charli Haynes

Agent: Lorna Hemingway

Charli Haynes is a writer, but it took a tumultuous decade working in social media marketing, a great therapist and a Masters in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University for her to believe it.

Charli survives the real world by believing in magic. She never quite felt like she fit into reality but found many a kindred spirit in the characters of books, animated films and video games. She has steadfastly followed her heart (particularly when she is told not to) and survived many of life’s great highs and cataclysmic lows. She is a fundamental optimist and writes stories with light in dark places because she knows from experience life is ultimately full of hope, it just might be hidden in places you need to be brave enough to grab it.

She is perpetually enrolled in the University of Pop Culture and lives and breathes everything geek: from graphic novels (which she studied as part of her English degree) to video games (that she would love to write one day) and all the bits in convention halls in between (she was part of the team that used to run MCM Comic Con).

Charli grew up hanging out in Pigeon Park in Birmingham. After a decade working in London searching for stories in the worlds of publishing, pop culture and film, she now lives back in the Midlands teaching her two cats how to navigate the mosh pit.