Cathy Cole is a novelist, prize-winning short story writer, and Pushcart nominated poet who lives, along with her husband and youngest son, in a picturesque seaside town that straddles the border between Northern and Southern Ireland.
Being Irish, and coming from a family of seafarers and storytellers, it perhaps wasn’t surprising when she decided to put pen to paper. Raised on a steady diet of dark myths and legends, along with copious re-runs of Agatha Christie movies, it was a foregone conclusion that she would be pulled to the “Dark Side.”
Cathy writes mainly in the mystery/psychological suspense genre. Her debut novel Where There's Smoke was published in March 2017 by Fireborn Publishing. (Later, independently published.) She has a two book deal from a major publishing house for her second and third novels, with the first being published in 2026.
When not devising gruesome murders and dealing with the psychological fall-out from dysfunctional characters, Cathy loves to spend time with her grandchildren, and doing Paper crafts - greeting cards and 3D projects mainly. Her grandchildren are welcome to craft with her, but are totally forbidden to read her books. (At least until they bypass the having nightmare stage - especially when staying in her house.)