
Georgia Bowers

Agent: Lauren Gardner    

Way, way more comfortable with fictional characters than real people, Georgia Bowers pledged her allegiance to Melvil Dewey (the Fairy Godfather of librarians) over twenty years ago so she could hang out with books exclusively. She once dragged a bewildered customer around the library showing him the poetry books, until he pointed out he’d asked for books on poultry. Equal to her passion for books is her love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Give her any episode description from season 1-4 and she’ll tell you the title and worst outfit worn (always Xander).

Georgia co-hosts the Delete My Browser History podcast with TikTok famous author Cynthia Murphy where they chat with authors about warm and fuzzy research topics such as leeches, death by escalator, and taxidermy. A winner of the SCBWI Undiscovered Voices competition and the Slushpile Challenge, she’s written articles about Buffy and Stranger Things for Hodderscape, and daydreams of writing a vampire musical featuring Alanis Morissette.

She is the same height as Sarah Michelle Gellar, and went viral for having hair shaped like Darth Vader’s helmet.