
  Happy book birthday, The Big Race! 

We're delighted that David Barrow's latest book, The Big Race, is published by Hodder Children's today!

Aardvark is only small and the Big Race is long and hard. But Aardvark is going to join in and give it everything she's got!A heart-warming, stylish and delightfully funny celebration of taking part rather than winning from Sebastian Walker Award winner David Barrow. The Big Race is packed full of wonderful African animals including an aardvark, crocodile, cheetah, buffalo and African hoopoe.
Aardvark is a hero that all readers will be cheering for - and the spirit of the Big Race will put a smile on all faces! You can get your own copy of The Big Race here . . .

. . . and you can stay up to date with David and his #inktober illustrations on Twitter @DaveBarrow3