
Allison Mick

Agent: John Baker    

Allison Mick is a Los Angeles-based writer, comedian, and animation producer from the Great Lakes. She draws from her upbringing and personal experiences to address super serious topics like mixed-race identity and gender, as well as fun stuff like basketball and what happens after you die.   

In 2023, her mythological horror-comedy script ULSTER was a finalist for comedy teleplay at Austin Film Festival, and won the Rooster Teeth Fellowship for Women in Animation. She previously worked at Warner Bros Animation on "Kite Man: Hell Yeah" and Ava Duvernay's "Wings of Fire" adaptation. 

Mick’s writing appears in Trailer Park Boys: Big A$$ Comic Collection (Devil’s Due Comics) and The Hard Times: The First 40 Years (Mariner Books). She was a contributor to the Los Suelos, CA interactive fiction anthology, both as a writer and a visual artist. Allison’s humor writing has been featured in Huffpo, Reductress, The Hard Times, and Macaulay Culkin’s In 1997, she was featured in Humor Works by Dr. John Morreall, the founder of the International Society for Humor Studies and has managed to stay very grounded despite this wild literary fame. Mick is a graduate of Williams College and Northeastern University School of Law.